Business demography in the provinces of Treviso and Belluno as at 31.03.2022

The flywheel effect of the various bonuses still supports the growth of companies in the building and real estate sector, both in Treviso and Belluno. Companies increase also in the advanced tertiary sector. The manufacturing and trade sectors are in contraction.

Economy - published on 02 May 2022
Source: press office Presidency of the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso Belluno|Dolomiti
The figures on business demographics – commented Chamber of Commerce President Mario Pozza – are certainly affected by the positive wake generated by the 110% Ecobonus and
other bonuses: in Treviso alone, almost half of the increase in the number of businesses is determined by what is happening in the construction sector. In Belluno, without construction and real
estate activities, the balance of business demographics would be in the negative. However, I have repeatedly emphasised – continues President Pozza – the risks inherent in such a
‘pumped-up’ demand, especially now that business costs are rising, especially to the detriment of small craft businesses, and with the unclear issue of the transfer of receivables. In addition,
the sector is just about at saturation point in its production capacity: so the other risk is that spurious components will be inserted into our production fabric, with all that that implies.
Apart from this fibrillation in the construction sector, we must not forget – continues the President – that commerce continues to suffer, both in Treviso and Belluno, as does a more
fragile part of manufacturing.
Tourism services, on the other hand, seem to be reawakening, also due to other data that we are beginning to acquire (particularly from our airport). But even in this sector – concludes the
President – we need to understand how our entrepreneurial fabric is changing: in both provinces there is an increase in the number of company branches, subsidiaries and multi-localised networks,
perhaps linked to chains based outside the territory. It is a good thing that investments are arriving, but it is also our duty, as local players, to ensure the quality of these investments and
their ability to generate virtuous interaction with the territory.

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