Check out the classroom lessons taking place in the third edition of GenerAZIONE2026

Dialogue notes with school students from Belluno, Treviso and Verona

Courses and conferences - published on 22 March 2024

Source: press office Presidency of the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso - Belluno|Dolomites


the ongoing classroom lessons of the third edition of

Classroom lessons GenerAZIONE2026: the 29 april sports emotions shared in classroom, with the 1st grade secondary school ‘IC 09 VALDONEGA’ in VERONA

Classroom lessons GenerAZIONE2026: 24 March 2024 with the “IC CASTELLER DI PAESE” Secondary School in Paese (Treviso)

Classroom lessons GenerAZIONE2026: tuesday 9 april at MARTA MINERBI (1st grade secondary school)

Classroom lessons GenerAZIONE2026: 9 april at PIANCA SCHOOL (primary schools)

Classroom lessons GenerAZIONE2026: 8th april Lessons with 5 classes of IC L. Luzzatti San Polo di Piave (Secondary school in province of Treviso)

Classroom lessons GenerAZIONE2026 – THURSDAY 7 MARCH at School Catullo in Belluno


Classroom lessons GenerAZIONE2026 – 6th meeting with the IC of Cornuda

Classroom lessons GenerAZIONE2026 – FRIDAY 16 FEBRUARY 3rd classroom meeting with IC Casteller di Paese (TV)

Classroom lessons GenerAZIONE2026 – 5th meeting with the Comprehensive Institute Tina Merlin in Belluno

Classroom lessons GenerAction2026 – 20 FEBRUARY 4th meeting with the Comprehensive Institute of Cortina d’Ampezzo, province of Belluno

Classroom lessons GenerAZIONE2026 – THURSDAY 15 FEBRUARY 3rd appointment with the 7 classes of theComprehensive Institute of Casale sul Sile (province of Treviso)

Second classroom meeting for GenerAZIONE2026

GenerAZIONE2026 and Gen26: Prof. Ascani with school students in Milan

Second classroom meeting for GenerAZIONE2026

-2 years from the start of Milan Cortina 2026 first classroom lesson of the third edition of GenerAZIONE2026

Courses and conferences




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