Source: European Commission Spokesperson’s Service
Today, the Commission is launching an
additional set of actions to help limit the spread of the coronavirus, save lives and strengthen the internal market’s resilience. Concretely, the measures aim to better understand the virus’
spread and the effectiveness of the response, ramp up well-targeted testing, bolster contact tracing, improve preparations for vaccination campaigns, and maintain access to essential supplies such
as vaccination equipment, while keeping all goods moving in the single market and facilitating safe travel.
President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said: The COVID-19 situation is very serious. We must step up our EU response. Today we are launching additional
measures in our fight against the virus; from increasing access to fast testing, and preparing vaccination campaigns to facilitating safe travel when necessary. I call on Member States to work
closely together. Courageous steps taken now will help save lives and protect livelihoods. No Member State will emerge safely from this pandemic until everyone does.
Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, said: The rise in COVID-19 infection rates across Europe is very alarming. Decisive immediate action is needed for
Europe to protect lives and livelihoods, to alleviate the pressure on healthcare systems, and to control the spread of the virus. Next month, we will present the first step towards a European
Health Union. In the meantime, Member States must improve cooperation and data sharing. Our EU surveillance system is only as strong as its weakest link. It is only by showing true European
solidarity and working together that we can overcome this crisis. Together we are stronger