Collective relocation of workers at risk of redundancy. Donazzan: “In Veneto developed a winning model, we are the first in Italy. From June 2023 launched 9 paths for about 400 workers”

Economy - published on 17 April 2024

Source: press office Veneto Region Council

Our region has launched a winning model of active policies for the retraining and outplacement of workers at risk of redundancy. A model characterized by cooperation between public/private, attribution of an active role of employment centers and the mandatory nature of the agreement with the social, trade union and employer parties, in order to ensure, in a responsible way, the sharing of the objectives to be pursued and the actions to be activated. It is no coincidence that Veneto is the first region in Italy to have issued the notice for the collective outplacement of workers at risk of redundancy within the framework of Pathway 5 of the GOL (Guaranteed Employability for Workers) Program financed by the European Union-Next Generation EU with PNRR funds. A total of 9 collective outplacement projects have been approved and launched in Veneto since June 2023, involving about 400 workers for an expenditure of about 1.2 million euros.

These are the figures presented this morning by Employment Councillor Elena Donazzan at a press conference attended by Alessandro Agostinetti, director of the Employment Directorate, Tiziano Barone, director of Veneto Lavoro (the Center of Social Services for Employment of Veneto Region), and Giuliano Bascetta project leader of the Corporate Crisis Unit of Veneto Lavoro.

The scale of the crises that have followed one another since 2009 up to the latest pandemic and war emergencies,” explained Councillor Donazzan, “has highlighted the need to deal with them by using available resources in a targeted way, to make the implementation of labor policies dedicated to specific recipients more effective: workers at risk of redundancy who are recipients of extraordinary or on derogation unemployment benefits and/or subject to collective redundancy procedures. The Veneto region has developed a specific model of active policies for the retraining of workers at risk of redundancy, which is now considered a ‘good practice’ so much so that its operating methods have become a reference point for other regions, the Ministry of Labor and its technical structures.

A model,” Agostinetti pointed out, “that was strongly desired by the Regional Council and implemented technically on an ongoing basis with adequate funding from the ESF and now from the Gol pnrr.”

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