Economy - published on 15 January 2024
Source: press office Confindustria Belluno Dolomiti
Belluno, 12 January 2024 – For us, the doors with the diocese and with the bishop are and will always remain open, the dialogue continues in order to realise projects in the exclusive interest of the young people of Belluno, and therefore of our territory. This means that the initiative to open a Liceo Steam International in Belluno, as in Rovereto, Bologna, Parma and Monza, is not shelved. On the contrary. Our intention is to pursue all avenues to activate a new educational offer in our province as well, to offer our young people the opportunity to acquire those skills that are needed, and will be increasingly needed, in a rapidly changing world.
This is what the president of Confindustria Belluno Dolomiti, Lorraine Berton, says after the formalisation of the agreement between the Diocese of Belluno and the ‘Scuole per crescere’ cooperative for the continuity of the Liceo Lollino.
When Bishop Don Renato Marangoni informed us that the Liceo Lollino was about to close due to a lack of enrolments – explains Lorraine Berton – we immediately took action, because we were aware, thanks to our partners in innovation projects such as Elis and Industrio, of this new course of study, which is consistent with all the initiatives we are implementing: from ITS to the degree course in Computer Science with the University of Verona, not forgetting the Luiss Business School. We thus promoted meetings with the Rovereto structure, which immediately showed interest in replicating their experience in Belluno as well, after Bologna, Parma and Monza. We also organised a visit to Rovereto, with the headmaster and teachers of Lollino: everyone, I believe, realised how innovative the educational offer of the Liceo Steam is. We then met several times with the bishop, the representatives of the Amici del Lollino Association and the headmaster, always looking for a shared solution that looked to the future and to the interest of the young people of the entire province.
Liceo Steam International is a peer school recognised by MIUR. It was created as a study path capable of leading students to face the challenges of today’s complex global society with a competitive preparation compared to peers in the most advanced areas of the world. A unique and winning mix of creativity-utility-communication, the Italian spirit at its best. Thanks to Human-Centred-Design (HCD), the humanistic part (the meanings) and the scientific part (the methods) come together and become concrete and real through the intelligent and ethical use of technologies (the tools).