Economy - published on 08 April 2020
Source: European Commission Spokesperson’s Service
A team of European doctors and nurses from Romania and Norway, deployed through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, is being immediately dispatched to Milan and Bergamo to help Italian medical staff
working to battle the coronavirus. Austria has also offered over 3,000 litres of disinfectant to Italy via the Mechanism. The Commission will coordinate and co-finance this European assistance.
President Ursula von der Leyen said: “These nurses and doctors, who left their homes to help their colleagues in other Member States are the true faces of European solidarity.
The whole of Europe is proud of you. The Commission is doing everything it can to help Italy and all our Member States at this time of great need.” Janez Lenarčič,
Commissioner for Crisis Management said: “I thank Romania, Norway and Austria for coming to Italy’s support in a time that is so difficult for the whole continent. This is EU solidarity in
action. Our EU Emergency Response Coordination Centre is working 24/7 with all Member States to make sure help is channelled to where it’s most needed.” The EU’s Copernicus
satellite system has also been activated by Italy to map health facilities as well as public spaces during the coronavirus emergency. Yesterday, Italy also received a delivery of personal
protective equipment coordinated through the EU Emergency Response Coordination Centre. Several
EU Member States have also sent protective equipment such as masks, overalls and ventilators to Italy, as well taking Italian patients for treatment in their countries. More information is
available online in a press
release, as well as factsheets on the EU Civil Protection
Mechanism and
EU Emergency Response Coordination Centre. Commissioner Lenarčič‘s remarks at the press point are available on EbS, and online here.