Gender Equality – InfoCamere joins the Valore D network

Joining the Valore D network strengthens InfoCamere's commitment to making well-being and inclusion fundamental elements in creating a sustainable and productive work environment.

Economy - published on 08 August 2024

Fonte: ufficio stampa InfoCamere

Rome, July 31, 2024 – InfoCamere, the digital innovation company of the Chambers of Commerce and a leader in ICT services for public administrations and businesses, announces its membership in Valore D, the first business association promoting gender balance and an inclusive culture for the growth of companies and the country.

The integration into the Valore D Network is part of the company’s ongoing improvement journey towards affirming the values of diversity and inclusion through dialogue and networking with other leading companies and organizations. Diversity and inclusion, as core values, are among the most challenging objectives in the realm of sustainable development (SDGs) that the company is committed to pursuing, – said Elena Proietti, HR Director of InfoCamere. Attention to gender diversity is a key resource for growth and is particularly significant for an organization like ours, which focuses on skills, particularly in scientific and technical fields, essential for the development of digital services that businesses and the country urgently need today.

As of June 2024, women at InfoCamere number 498, representing 45.14% of the total workforce. Corporate policies in favor of gender equality constitute a key strategy for the company’s growth, which materialized in 2023 with the attainment of the UNI/PdR 125:2022 Gender Equality certification, reinforced by the renewal of the ISO 14001 certification and the company’s ranking in the major sustainability awards by Statista for Il Sole 24 Ore (‘Sustainability Leaders 2023’ and ‘Top 100 Climate-Conscious Companies 2023’).

This demonstrates the commitment devoted to training, personnel development policies, and awareness-raising initiatives to create a fair, respectful, and collaborative work environment for all. This is reflected, for example, in a gender pay gap of around 1% compared to the entire company population, from management to entry-level employees, and in a job retention rate higher than that of companies in the sector.

Joining the Valore D network strengthens InfoCamere’s commitment to making well-being and inclusion fundamental elements in creating a sustainable and productive work environment. The company has adopted an inclusive organizational approach, aiming to value gender, cultural, religious, and ethnic diversity, offering everyone the same growth opportunities. The values of respecting human dignity and fairness in interpersonal relationships are applied in hiring, management, and personnel development policies, encouraging full recognition of the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment among individuals.

In 2023, training sessions were organized on themes of inclusion, gender equality, and human rights using e-learning platforms and induction paths for new hires. In particular, the training courses covered mobbing and harassment in the workplace, prejudice, gender equality, and the comparison of generational gaps.

Courses and conferences




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