GenerAZIONE2026 third edition the words of President Pozza

Events - published on 16 February 2024

Source: press office GenerAZIONE2026

The third edition of the “GenerAZIONE2026” project begins, we arrive after two years of great results and successes in participation by the schools, which I warmly thank for the great work done with the students, as many as 10,000. The past editions have seen the greats of sports come to Treviso and Cortina, with the participation of the Ceo of Milano Cortina 2026 Foundation, Andrea Varnier, the great companies of the Sportsystem district that make sports great, the champions such as Adriano Panatta, Reinhold Messner, Amos Mosaner, Christof Innerhofer, Maurilio De Zolt, Gustav Thoeni, Lisa Vittozzi, who have been able to teach us so much in their significant speeches highlighting how the values of sports, are the values of life. The project also achieved its goal, and in this we are still working, to make people talk about our unforgettable territories in the world, hosting the international delegates of the FICTS that we accompanied on guided tours to learn about the Venetian villas, the Gipsoteca Museo Antonio Canova, the wineries, the productions they talked about in the world.

This year we welcome to the project team, another Olympic chamber, the Verona Chamber of Commerce chaired by President Giuseppe Riello. The final event this year will be held in Treviso and Verona, which will be the venue for the awarding events and an opportunity to promote the territories.

The project is carried out with the FICTS – Fédération Internationale Cinéma Télévision Sportifs (recognized by the International Olympic Committee), in collaboration and with the support of the Veneto Region (Councillor Elena Donazzan), the Treviso-Belluno | Dolomiti Chamber of Commerce (President Mario Pozza) and the Verona Chamber of Commerce (President Giuseppe Riello).

The priority objective of the Project is to highlight the spirit of Olympism through an educational action that enables the acquisition of active lifestyles in which sport is understood, in addition to being a vehicle for the promotion of psychophysical well-being, as a tool for social inclusion and integration and training through the direct involvement of young people.

This year there are already 30 schools registered, but we are happy to welcome even more new registrations to allow all students to experience this important project on the values of the Olympic spirit in view of the Milan Cortina 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Games. A unique opportunity. We look forward to seeing you the registrations are open until February 29.

President Mario Pozza


The third edition of the Project “GenerAZIONE2026 – Sport powered by youth and education” is open to Primary, 1st and 2nd Grade Secondary Schools in the territories interested in the Games, in agreement with the Regional School Office for Veneto.

Registration will close on February 29, 2024.

Articulated on different proposals for Schools, “GenerAction 2026,” has become part of the “Education Gen26” Program of the Milan Cortina 2026 Foundation that officially recognizes FICTS activities at Schools.

A series of initiatives articulated in different Sections (screenings, drawings, slogans, sports days, etc.) to inspire the new generations and to offer educational and professional paths in the sports sector of major events through the Milano Cortina 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.

This year the theme “Education 4.0” will be about the proper use of technologies.

The Project is articulated in Educational School Activities (with free Guides for Teachers) for young people (totally by FICTS) such as:

  1. a) “Le proiezioni: emozioni sportive di classe”: online meeting moments with interactive screenings of sports culture and exclusive videos from the International Olympic Committee and Milan Cortina 2026 Foundation;
  2. b) “Your Games in a video: videos elaborated  made by boys/girls with the aim of promoting knowledge of the Games and Sport;
  3. c) “Your Games” Design your “Relay” and your “Olympic Torch”; your “Poster” or your “Sport/Campion on Snow and Ice” for the 2026 Games
  4. d) “Education 4.0,” description of examples, accompanied by drawing or a video, in which proper use of technology or a way to counter technology addiction is highlighted

Each activity corresponds to a score and, based on the number of entries received, a special ranking will be drawn up Extra points for those who join the “Sports Days” called by the Veneto Region.

The Project, twinned with the TROFEI DI MILANO CORTINA 2026, includes three days at the Brera Arena in Milan (May 8-10) with a wide participation of Veneto Schools. Prizes are up for grabs for Schools, Teachers and participants. During the “Three Days” (June 6-7-8) in Venice|Verona|Treviso|Belluno in the Veneto Region (home, with Lombardy, of the Milan Cortina 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Games) there will be an International Delegation of entrepreneurs chosen from the 130 countries affiliated with FICTS to develop the joint initiatives proposed by the “Working Table” identified in the “Memorandum of Understanding” signed by Mario Pozza President Assocamerestero – Association of 86 Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad (CCIE) and Prof. Franco Ascani President FICTS – Federation Internationale Cinema Television Sportifs.

It is – says Regional Councillor for Education Elena Donazzan an important event, now in its third edition, that combines the educational value of sports practice with the promotion of the values of sport in general and with the beauty of our regional territory. These elements will allow our young people not only to participate consciously in the next Olympic Games in Milan Cortina 2026, but also to have new keys to better address their path of study and work.

For any communication and information:

General Secretariat
Project “GENERATION 2026 – Sport powered by youth and education”
Tel. 02-89409076 –

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