Inauguration ceremony of the Gianfranco Crespan room at the Ethnographic Museum

The ceremony was held Sunday, May 23 at 4:30 pm

Events - published on 25 May 2021

Source: Province of Treviso press office

It was held Sunday, May 23, 2021 at 4:30 pm at the Provincial Ethnographic Museum “Case Piavone”, the naming ceremony of the room Gianfranco Crespan, dedicated to the recently deceased president
of the Gruppo Folcloristico Trevigiano that manages the museum of the Province of Treviso. To unveil the plaque, together with his wife Adele and the current president of the Group Ivano Camarin,
was the president of the Province of Treviso, Stefano Marcon. The event, organized on the occasion of what would have been Crespan’s birthday, was also attended by the mayor of Treviso, Mario
Conte, the city councilors Zanini and Beraldo, Don Aldo Danieli who blessed the work. Space was then given to music and the Gruppo Folcloristico Trevigiano lined up in period costumes.

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