Promo - published on 28 August 2023
Source: Veneto Agency news – Veneto Regional Council press office
(AVN) – Venice, 19 July 2023
The ultra-fast network also reaches the territory of the municipality of Asiago, covering 5800 real estate units including homes, businesses and enterprises through ‘Fiber-to-the-home‘ technology – fibre optics laid to the inside of buildings -, the only one capable of delivering connection speeds of up to 10 Gigabits per second. This is thanks to one of the most substantial infrastructures in the entire region, which is about 35 kilometres long, 16.3 of which were built from scratch and used for laying fibre optics, for a total investment of more than 1.5 million euros, partly co-financed by the regional administration through the use of Community Structural Funds made available by the 2014-2020 POR- FESR .The intervention is the result of a collaboration agreement signed in 2016 between the Region and the Government for the structural development of the ‘white areas’ of Veneto Region, i.e. those with a market failure, where investment by private operators is absent.
With these words, the regional councillor for Economic Development and Energy, Roberto Marcato, expressed satisfaction with the completion of the project in Asiago and the hamlet of Sasso. The project is part of the national “Ultrabroadband” strategic plan (“Banda Ultralarga” plan) , which also envisages the creation in Veneto of a digital telecommunications infrastructure consistent with the objectives of the European Digital Agenda.
The Region has worked both to speed up the planning and implementation of interventions in the area, and to ensure that the Veneto municipalities fully adhere to the “Bul Plan,”– continued Marcato. Today, if even Asiago and the hamlet of Sasso are equipped with a fast, secure and enabling infrastructure for all innovative digital services, it is certainly also thanks to our commitment and continuous dialogue with all the relevant national institutions.
To date, the ‘Ultrabroadband‘ project in Veneto, co-financed by the Region, currently has 388,000 real estate units reached by fibre optics, and 227,000 by wireless technology, – concluded the regional councillor. This is a number that we intend to increase over the next few years, because we are aware that greater coverage and faster connection will promote social and territorial cohesion, thus decreasing the digital divide that unfortunately exists in certain areas.
Press Release no. 1241-2023 (INNOVATION)
Translated by Cecilia Flaccavento
Intern at the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso – Belluno