Projections: Sporting Class Emotions | Generation 2026 meets IC L.Luzzatti San Polo di Piave (TV)

32nd - 33rd - 34th online meetings | First, second and third classes IC L.Luzzatti San Polo di Piave (TV)

Events - published on 13 April 2022
Source: press office of the Chamber of Commerce Treviso-Belluno|Dolomiti Presidency
On Wednesday 13th April 2022 Generation 2026 met the first, second and third classes of the IC “L.Luzzatti” San Polo di Piave (TV).
In order to facilitate the success of the activity, the appointments were three and took place in the morning:
09:00-10:30 | First classes
10:30-12:00 | Second classes
12:00-13:30 | Third classes
Although the meetings took place online, they were not compromised.
The Generation 2026 Tutor, Alessandra Tarantani, was able to maintain a high level of interaction with the students, even though they were at a distance.
Excellent work was also done by those responsible for video technology: Antonio Di Gregorio and Andrea Barbaresi, who were able to be prompt in the projections.
The interest and interaction were high, a massive rate of response and communication between students and Generation 2026 that brings more and more satisfaction.
Several questions and reflections were asked by the students, who were especially fascinated by the Paralympic projections: The Paralympic athletes show that it is more important to prove
to ourselves what we can do than to win.
Again – They are admirable, they have a courage that we often don’t have – commented the students of the IC of San Polo di Piave.
As a positive conclusion to all three meetings that took place on the morning of Wednesday 13 April, the students are ready to put their creativity into play for the next projects.
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