Source: press office of the President of the Chamber of Commerce Treviso-Belluno|Dolomiti
Tuesday 22 March was held the twenty-third online meeting of “Projections: Sporting Emotions of Class” was held, in which Generation 2026 met the second classes of the IC
Mareno di Piave and Vazzola.
Throughout the meeting, Generation 2026 dialogues with the students of the Comprehensive Institutes in order to create moments of encounter and interactive video projections on the
importance of sport as a social investment, as health and as a tool for education, training and inclusion of its protagonists.
The students’ considerations on the theme of the Paralympics were exciting: “Despite their disabilities, they have the strength to fight and go on doing what they have always wanted”
– commented the students of the IC Mareno di Piave and Vazzola.
Throughout the meeting, there was no lack of interaction and involvement, thanks also to the Tutor of Generation 2026: Alessandra Tarantani.
Prof. Franco Ascani, President of FICTS – Federation Internationale Cinema Television Sportifs, also thanked the students: “Fourteen editions, but the most beautiful will be the
fifteenth and you will be the protagonists”.
The twenty-third appointment ends with great attention from the students in following the meeting and the projections proposed by Generation 2026.
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