Tax credits for investing in innovation: what you need to know

Join the free webinar on Wednesday 17 November at 14.30

Events - published on 10 November 2021
Source: press office Chamber of Commerce Treviso – Belluno|Dolomiti
Punto Impresa Digitale proposes an info-training webinar on the facilitation measures provided by the new National Plan Transition 4.0, evolution of the Industry 4.0 programme, which aims to
strengthen basic and applied research, encourage technology transfer, promote the digital transformation of production processes and investment in intangible assets, through tax credits for:
– Tangible and intangible assets not 4.0
– Research and development
– Technological innovation
– Green and digital innovation
– Design and aesthetic conception
– Training 4.0
PID chamber network – as per the agreement between the Ministry of Economic Development and Unioncamere – provides information assistance and implements awareness-raising actions, in particular
towards cooperative enterprises and SMEs on these measures.
To this end, an in-depth event on the topic is planned, focusing on the possible advantages and opportunities for enterprises (individual and cooperative), as well as on the methods to be adopted
for their application and adhesion.
The meeting will be organised as follows
2.30 p.m.
The aims of the new Transition 4.0 Plan and the dissemination activities of the PID network,
Dr. Eliana Nicosia, Dintec – Consortium for Technological Innovation
14:45 p.m.
Tax credits to support the digital transformation of companies for traditional and 4.0 capital goods (tangible and intangible), Research & Development, Innovation and Design, Training 4.0
Mr Matteo Rizzi
Facilitated finance expert (about 1 hour)
3:45 p.m.
Question and Answer session
16:15 p.m.
Organisational notes
How to participate – Free participation. Please register on-line.
Access via zoom.
The event is organized by this Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the Chambers of Commerce of Venice-Rovigo, Vicenza, Verona, Padua.
The webinar is managed by the Vicenza Chamber of Commerce through the Zoom platform.
The connection link and access instructions will be sent by email the day before the webinar.
Deadline for registrations: 16 November 2021 at 13.00
For further information
Organising Secretariat
Internal Promotion-Digital Enterprise Point
tel. 0422/595402

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