The brand new and innovative website is up and running: The project Gravel in the land of Venice sees the light | 1 December

President Pozza: The latest data outline the trends of a phenomenon that is changing the country. It is not surprising that all this is happening in the Marca Trevigiana, where the most important sports footwear and bicycle district is located.

Events - published on 01 December 2021
Source: press office Rete d’Imprese Cycling in the Venice Garden Fondazione Marca Treviso
The Gravel in The Land of Venice project was born in 2020 (from an idea of Massimo Panighel) as a tourist product dedicated to the discovery of the Veneto region by bicycle
and in particular by ‘Gravel’ bike, to tackle all types of terrain, from narrow roads to mountain roads, forests and riverbanks.
A project, immediately embraced by the Network of Companies Cycling in the Venice Garden, chaired by Giulia Casagrande, who comments: – According to the Report of the
Observatory on Cycle Tourism,
carried out by Isnart, in 2020 Italian cycle tourists were 4.7 million and generated an expenditure of 4.1 billion euros. 20.5 million overnight stays by
Italian cycle tourists in 2019, with an average expenditure of 75 euros per capita, generating a total expenditure of 4.7 billion euros. Although the period of health emergency we are
experiencing generates uncertainty and does not allow for long-term planning, proximity tourism and bicycle travel represent an opportunity for restarting. Indeed, cycle tourism has the
characteristics (well-being and pollution control, safety, physical distance and adaptability, short-haul travel) that make it an excellent candidate for interpreting the ‘new normal’ and
launching a recovery in the tourism sector. This is the reason, concludes Casagrande, why we are so enthusiastic about adopting it as a network and submitting it to the OGD
of our Destination as early as summer 2021.
Gravel routes are an enormous potential for the Treviso area, especially after the pandemic that has greatly increased the use of bicycles, making it possible to discover or
rediscover the many routes available in the infinite variety of landscapes that the Marca has to offer,- commented Stefano Marcon, President of the Province and of the OGD
Città d’Arte e Ville Venete del Territorio Trevigiano’s Table of Comparison
. – We realised some time ago that cycle tourism is an asset in which to invest, capable of attracting both
local and foreign visitors, and we will continue to do so with increasing conviction, also through the OGD, to make our destination even more attractive. We have many projects in the
pipeline and as the Province we will act as a link between the municipalities to put them into practice.
Mario Pozza, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso and Belluno and President of the OGD Steering Committee, echoes his sentiments: – The latest data outlines the trends of a
phenomenon that is changing the country, especially through Gravel bikes and e-bikes. And, he concludes, – It’s not surprising that all this is happening in the Marca Trevigiana, where
the most important sports footwear and bicycle district is located, with dozens and dozens of companies dedicated to the production of high-tech, innovative clothing and accessories that the
whole world asks for, with thousands of employees, and that – even in times of COVID – continue their activities unceasingly” with increases in turnover and orders.
The Gravel Phenomenon, – Panighel tells us, -sees the bicycle return to its origins, a single bike for everything, from the road to the dirt track, from trails to gravel.
A revolution that is not just marketing, in the name of freedom. On and off-road. Gravel means gravel. In the world of two-wheeled pedals, gravel is the name of the latest trend in bike types.
More than a fashion, it’s a revolution. Because dirt roads, white roads, roads with gravel as a base, non-extreme off-road routes, beaten paths in nature that resists urbanisation, even near
cities, have found a new means of becoming a frontier, to be explored by pedalling. The boundary between physical effort and imagination is thin, but it is often what makes the difference between
flop and success.
Gianni Garatti, President of the Marca Treviso Foundation, Manager of the project’s lead partner network, is also gloating over the important result: – Tourism businesses in
Treviso were eagerly awaiting this project because even the recently concluded 2021 season held up thanks to cycling tourism. But importantly, this project will affect 80 out of 94
municipalities in our province and of these 80, almost all are OGD members. This is a result for which the OGD can be proud, because the 2022 season will be able to start – despite
the uncertainties facing us due to the evolution of the pandemic – with cautious but motivated and convinced optimism.
The project, which, as mentioned above, is the brainchild of Massimo Panighel and has been “made its own” by the Cycling in the Venice Garden business network, involves
approximately 1,350 km, divided into 20 different routes in the Marca Trevigiana, themed according to the five senses: art and culture, history, food and wine, the scents of nature and
physical effort. All of this will be possible thanks to new technological systems that will allow the chosen route to be uploaded and followed using GPS applications.
The project – recalls the Regional Councillor for Tourism Federico Caner – was financed by the Veneto Region as part of the Strategic Tourism Plan and was shared
by the other Enterprise Networks and Product Clubs dedicated to cycling tourism. I am proud,- Caner continues, – that ‘Gravel in the Land of Venice’ starts from
Treviso, but the goal is to extend this model to other provinces in order to create new routes throughout the region during the two-year period 2022/2023. There is a lot of expectation
for these routes that will allow many tourists and visitors to live a unique experience to discover our Veneto.

From 1 December, these routes will be available on the portal.
IL GIRASILE Treviso – km 63,5
IL GIORGIONE Castelfranco Veneto – km 77,1
L’EZZELINA Castello di Godego – km 51,2
LA PEDEMONTANA DEL CANOVA Crespano del Grappa – km 55,5
LA DAMA Conegliano – km 63,4
IL COLLALTO Susegana – km 55,1
VALSANA Cison di Valmarino – km 50,1
LA VITTORIA Vittorio Veneto – km 63,4
BOTTECCHIA Colle Umberto – km 60,0
LA LIVENZA Motta di Livenza – km 83,0
OPITERGIUM Oderzo – km 77,7
LA PIAVE Cimadolmo – km 53,5
HEMINGWAY Ponte di Piave – km 55,1
IL MONTELLO Nervesa d. Battaglia – km 75,6
LA TREVISANA Volpago del Montello – km 80,1
LA RESTERA Casier – km 80,2
TARVISIUM Quinto di Treviso – km 67,5
DESE Mogliano Veneto – km 66,5
Edited by the Press Office of the Cycling in the Venice Garden Network of Companies
Treviso Brand Foundation – +39 348 7838310

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