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Evening projects in the "Base.exib Design" area, belong to a wide sector that includes the application of creative skills in the design project.
Moreover "B.E.D." learn that projects can be realised either following traditional techniques, like free-hand drawing, or through the implementation of the most innovative software.
The "B.E.D." area , was born from the awareness of the enormous importance communication has assumed in contemporary society.
Knowing how to communicate a product, knowing how to give it an image that will strike the attention of consumers is the element that completes a project.
"B.E.D." answers the market need by offering a series of ideas that tackle communication globally.
The art designer: Art designers are professionals that must be capable of blending technique and creativity, developing their know how not only in the use of basic tools to design every objects, but also on the implementation of technologies and innovative materials.
Art designers must develop great intuition on the latest trends in taste and a capacity for negotiating and mediating with all corporate functions, (from Marketing Directors to Product Managers), and with all the external professionals that interact with the enterprise.
They are professionals that, together with a sound aesthetic and artistic cultural background, are capable of developing positive attitudes towards team work, under the sign of "flexibility".
Art designers are professionals sensitive to the changes in taste and costume, interpreters of a system of signs and languages that permeates everyday life.