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New platform and new technology, but to subscribe to the Trevisobellunosystem Newsletter is simple, just click this link:

The required information is: NAME, SURNAME or COMPANY NAME, MAIL ADDRESS and select from the lists:

[X]Trevisobellunosystem: eventi, notizie di economia e marketing territoriale

[X]Trevisobellunosystem English: news for investors and promotion abroad

You will receive an email at the address indicated containing a validation link that will redirect you to the registration page. You must then click on the SEND button.

If you want to change your preferences please contact the URP office of the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso Belluno| Dolomites

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Write your name, surname, e-mail and other required data, continue click citizen, if you are a company click company and write the required references.

Continue and select from the lists:

[X]Trevisobellunosystem English: news for investors and promotion abroad

[X]Trevisobellunosystem: eventi, notizie di economia e marketing territoriale


If you have any questions or need further information please do not hesitate to contact us