Investing in Treviso and Belluno

Analysis of the structural and productive context of the province of Treviso and Belluno

1. Introductory remarks

Some time ago, the web portal “Trevisosystem” published a series of articles on Treviso attractiveness within the column “Il Punto”: the ability to attract human, economic and financial resources from outside, particularly from abroad, analyzed in relation to the economic [...]

2. Context-based attractiveness of Treviso economic system

The introductory analysis on the attractiveness of Italian territories gathers the indicators related to the context factors already mentioned, and processes them as a whole with reference to the 103 Italian provinces. The result is a classification of the provinces, [...]

3. Context factors within Treviso economic system

3.1 HUMAN RESOURCES Context factors contributing to territorial attractiveness can be divided into those related to human resources, and those related to economic-financial resources. Among all the surveys carried out on this topic, the ones that have been chosen have [...]

4. Factors related to sectoral structure within Treviso production system

In order to evaluate the attractiveness of a territory [1] originated from its sectoral structure, it is necessary to carry out prior studies and surveys on sectoral organization and its interdependences within the same territory. Obviously, a demanding long specific [...]

5. Further factors related to sectoral structur

The previous chapter dealt with factors related to sectoral structure in the production system of Treviso, based on a research which was conducted on a national level, thus considering elements relevant to that context. However, there are other factors not [...]

6. Concluding remarks for economic operators

Aimed at objectively identifying the attractive elements for external operators and for the same inhabitants and after analysing – even scientifically although briefly – an area’s attractiveness and its relevant factors within the context of Treviso production system, it is [...]

7. Concluding remarks concerning human resources

In the previous paragraph, considerations were put forward on the attractiveness of Treviso as a whole for people operating in the economic sector. The main factors – context and sectoral structure – characteristic to the area of Treviso were briefly [...]

8. Concluding remarks concerning economic and financial resources

The attractiveness of Treviso economic system was examined from the aspect of the various factors present in the province which make economic and trade relations with the rest of the world, and within the area itself, convenient and/or advantageous. These [...]

9. Overall conclusions

Everything considered so far stresses the satisfactory attractiveness of Treviso economic system.   In other words, all the economic remarks suggest that investing capital and/or business activities in the province of Treviso can be advantageous both for resident and outside [...]


The global analysis of attractiveness factors of Treviso province didn’t detect particular records within Treviso economy – even though some have been registered in the past – and the production system is currently undergoing a process of reorganization, as in [...]

11. Attractiveness’ of Treviso system context update

In illustrating the Treviso System for our column “Investing in Treviso” , we have often dwelt on the contextual factors that should express the environmental conditions for the attractiveness of our territory, both as a recipient of preferences and investments from [...]

12. The Treviso system at a glance

In the last two articles for the section ‘Invest in Treviso’ we have been concerned with summarising the strengths of the Treviso economy and updating the context data dating back to a few years ago when the economic context in [...]

13. The map of territorial excellences

While waiting to adequately prepare a new service planned on some production units attractive for their size and image, we report new elements of excellence identified for the province of Treviso. This is a study by Censis and the Monte [...]