9. Overall conclusions

Everything considered so far stresses the satisfactory attractiveness of Treviso economic system.


In other words, all the economic remarks suggest that investing capital and/or business activities in the province of Treviso can be advantageous both for resident and outside investors. Moreover, it would appear convenient to maintain economic and trade relations with companies in Treviso, as compared to the rest of the world. This awareness, emerging from the various evaluations proposed so far, is rarely taken into account by shareholders (who mostly exploit occasional opportunities); therefore, the image of the area as "attractive" is not very widespread. Indeed, at times, what emerges are self-defeating attitudes and opinions within the area, which cause the development of internal initiatives to fail and impose prudence to potential external shareholders. However, in a strict economic sense, this behaviour has no reason to exist in the area of Treviso, generally speaking. Obviously, that is not to say that everything runs perfectly, but the data reported and the trends identified through appropriate evaluations suggest that the overall level is satisfactory as are the current economic prospects and future development prospect are proportionate, despite all the uncertainties pertaining to the economic situation and the demanding challenges of globalisation. Appropriate development must be seen as gradual economic growth, which takes into account already achieved GDP levels: this may allow fair average increases in the remuneration of labour factors and in the medium- and long-term capital, although speculative short-term opportunities are out of the question.


This analysis does not consider the social aspects, being matters not treated by the official website trevisobellunosystem which, on the contrary, especially focuses on local economy. As a general indication, we can say that the community of Treviso as a whole is keen on cooperation and solidarity, thus private services to individuals are not lacking. However, public services are less developed due to the absence of federalism that don’t still allow fair distribution of resources at national level.

Inefficiency in the national system, in fact, reflect even in the province of Treviso and this is the main factor that currently hinders the influx of more capital and establishments in Treviso. In reality, foreign countries in particular are less aware of the economic potential of our area, greater attention being placed on Italian difficulties at national level (bureaucracy, the legal and tax system, infrastructures, etc..) which certainly influence the local production system as well, even if here, more than elsewhere, there are potential economic factors of compensation.


However, although there don’t appear to be a complete survey monitoring the total influx of capital and labour from outside the province of Treviso, some general data denote that foreigners show a particular preference for this area compared to other ones in the region and the rest of Italy.


Examining table 1 below, it can be seen that the percentage of foreign entrepreneurs is higher in the province of Treviso, than the regional average or the national one. On the other hand, the influx of foreign investment in the province proves less favourable, but such influx has always been varying over the years.


In fact, to understand the extent of this phenomenon better, the number of foreign companies, foreign workers and the total stock of foreign capital should all be considered at the same date. In the absence of such information, we can however conclude that the attractiveness of the province towards foreign countries is good, but it could be higher taking into account what stated. Official information does not reveal the actual attractiveness of Treviso compared to the rest of Italy, namely the influx of people and capital from other provinces.


TABLE 1 – Active entrepreneurs (total and foreign) 2006



of which foreigners














Source: Based on Infocamere data – Treviso Chamber of Commerce


TABLE 2 – 2006 Foreign Direct Investment Influx (in thousands of euros) and average data within the period 2002 -2006.



% on regional  total

& on national total

Average 2002 – 2006















Source: Unioncamere Veneto on UIC data