President of Unioncamere del Veneto Mario Pozza meets President Ebner and Segretary-General Aberer of the Bolzano Chamber of Commerce

New interregional actions for enterprises

Economy - published on 17 July 2018

Venice, 13th July 2018. The President of Unioncamere del Veneto Mario Pozza, the Secretary-General of Unioncamere Veneto Roberto Crosta and the Chamber manager
De Santi have met the President Michl Ebner, the Secretary-General Alfred Aberer and the vice Secretary-General Luca Filippi of the
Bolzano Chamber of Commerce
This meeting has focused on sharing new initiatives that can be realized by means of borders funds, administrative experience that has been already gained by the Venetian Chambers of Commerce of
Treviso – Belluno and Verona.
With the difficulties occurred after the Reform in raising funds for enterprises, but always with the increasing need of staying by them, in particular in the innovation and digitalization as in
the territories promotion, President Pozza thinks that is essential to look at other specific funding opportunities that Provinces have at their disposal.
European funds are a further opportunity that we cannot permit that our companies lose – underlined the President of Unioncamere del Veneto Mario Pozza -. Thanks to
Eurosportello, local agency for the European funds management, we can do a lot and much more, if it is tuned with shared initiatives at interregional level.
President Michl Ebner underlines how the bridge-action of Bolzano Chamber of Commerce between German and Italian dimensions could find a relevant development through the
implementation of European projects in cooperation with the Venetian Chambers of Commerce Union, which is always targeting development actions for the companies promoted by the European Union.
In remembering the role of the Chambers of Commerce by enterprises and trade associations, President Pozza has underlined the importance of the representation in Bruxelles, shared with Veneto
Region, already place of several meetings with Ambassadors for the promotion of Venetian excellences and territories.

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