Business demography in the provinces of Treviso and Belluno as at 30.09.2021

The recovery of business demographics continues in the third quarter of 2021: compared to the same period last year, the number of offices grew by +525 units in Treviso and +93 units in Belluno. In the province of Treviso the stock of active enterprises has been exceeded two years ago. The growth is supported by business services and construction.

Economy - published on 03 November 2021
Source: press office of the Chamber of Commerce Treviso – Belluno | Dolomites Presidency
Treviso, 3 November 2021 – The comment of President Mario Pozza
We are still discussing green passes, and whether green passes threaten our freedom. In the meantime – underlines the President of the Chamber of Commerce, Mario Pozza – thanks to
the measures that have made us safe and allow us to move and work freely and responsibly, respecting our communities, the economy of our territories continues to give us positive signals. Thanks
are due to the people who have been vaccinated.
This time it is the turn of business demographics. To the data that we have in the belly of the Chambers of Commerce. – The President crunches the numbers: in just three months, from June
to September, there were almost 300 more company offices in the province of Treviso. That’s +525 on an annual basis, compared to September 2020. We have a total of 79,615 active businesses in the
Marca: more than we had at the end of September 2019, before Covid. Similar dynamics in the province of Belluno: +53 the growth of businesses on a quarterly basis, almost +100 on an annual basis.
The rebound on an annual basis does not fully compensate for last year’s losses (-186), but it is certainly a strong and encouraging signal, if we consider that the entire tourism sector remained
almost static until May.
Pozza explains that there are two driving factors in both provinces: construction (which is dragging down real estate activities), evidently due to incentives, and tertiary activities. In
the province of Treviso, construction accounts for almost half of the overall growth in companies on an annual basis.
In Belluno, the increase in tertiary enterprises stands out in particular, but construction follows immediately after. The situation is less linear for manufacturing: in the Belluno area,
39 companies are losing business year-on-year and there is no economic recovery; in the Treviso area, the year-on-year contraction of businesses is almost 100 (half in the wood-furnishing sector),
but between June and September there was a recovery of 35 companies, especially in engineering.
These are figures that lead me to say, – added the President, – that we must not lower our guard yet. Rather, we must do all we can to support this recovery. The entrepreneurs I talk to,
in particular, are asking me for a recovery that can last over time, less convulsive in its pace, but more stable, clearer in its strategic guidelines, at least where industrial policies can have
an impact. This is the only condition for reducing uncertainty and making medium-term investments.
This requires a great deal of work on the part of all of us in institutions and politics. We cannot replace the markets, of course, but we can contribute to defining the frameworks, the
evolutionary trajectories within which to consolidate the signs of this growth. Therefore, – concludes Pozza, – it is all very well to discuss ‘digital transformation’ and ‘energy
transition’ within the PNRR, but we must now move on from titles to concrete objectives. This is what businesses are asking for in their planning and investments.
As already anticipated last quarter, the business demography starts again both in the Treviso and in the Belluno area: with the new data released by Infocamere as at 30 September 2021, a growth in
the stock of companies emerges both on a quarterly basis (compared to June 2021) and on an annual basis (compared to September 2020).
In Treviso the quarterly growth amounts to almost 300 enterprises; on yearly basis it is +525 enterprises. The current stock of 79,615 active business locations is even higher (+81
locations) than the stock ascertained 24 months earlier, i.e. on 30 September 2019, in the “pre-Covid” era.
In Belluno, the quarterly growth is +53 enterprises, which rises to almost +100 enterprises on an annual basis. For this province, the number of businesses is still slightly below (-93) the
number ascertained in September 2019.
In any case, the balance of a year ago was quite different, when there was an annual contraction of -444 companies in Treviso and -186 companies in Belluno.
The growth, on a trend basis, of the number of company headquarters is mainly due to the increase in business services, and in particular professional, scientific and technical activities (+134 in
Treviso and +30 in Belluno) and the construction sector (+205 and +34 respectively), as well as real estate activities, which are increasing especially in Treviso (+116).
In parallel with the increase in the number of company branches, the number of local units also continued to grow, with an overall increase in both provinces compared to a year ago (+368 branches
in the province of Treviso and +101 in the province of Belluno). The growth in local units also took place last year, but at a much slower pace than today.
Business services also benefited from the greatest increase in terms of local units in both Treviso (+75 units) and Belluno (+32); the other sectors with the greatest growth in terms of local
units were manufacturing (+61) and retail trade (+44) for Treviso and accommodation and catering (+26) for Belluno.
For artisan enterprises the dynamic is positive, on a trend basis, only in the province of Treviso where they grow by +89 units compared to September 2020, after the loss of -171 units
suffered in the same period a year ago. Almost all the growth is recorded in the building sector (+98).
In the province of Belluno, on the other hand, the number of artisan enterprises, which were more or less stable on a quarterly basis (+2), decreased compared to September 2020 (-18 units),
although not to the extent recorded a year earlier (-70). A negative contribution was made above all by the drop in manufacturing (-33), which was not sufficiently offset by the increase in
activities in the construction sector (+21).

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