Christmas Greetings 2022 from President Mario Pozza

To all young people with the wish that they become part of the teams of Italian and Veneto companies, to Italians abroad, to entrepreneurs, to families, to all of you: Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Economy - published on 13 December 2022

Source: Press Office Presidency of the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso – Belluno | Dolomites

Places are meetings between friends, sharing ideas and visions.
Doing business in our territories is a continuous inspiration.
Companies export everywhere, align themselves with technology, and think digital, but the matrix, the soul is always a synthesis of the energy of the team, the family, the collaborators, the
alchemy of places respecting their health and beauty.
Investing, looking to our companies to be part of them, growing with them and trusting in the network they know how to create in Italy and abroad, can only mean guaranteed success, in the
harmony of a quality of life that everyone envies us.
To all young people with the wish that they become part of the teams of Italian and Veneto companies, to Italians abroad, to entrepreneurs, to families, to all of you:
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Mario Pozza
President of the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso – Belluno | Dolomites
President of Unioncamere Veneto
President of Assocamerestero

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