Commerce is changing its skin, here’s how food and beverage retailers are starting again

In March (10th and 24th at 16:00 in webinar) the new edition of Food Academy, a format of high training dedicated to restarting

Events - published on 08 March 2021,jpeg.jpg
Source: press office Unascom-Confcommercio
Monday 8th March 2021
Public merchants and grocers are looking beyond the pandemic. And they’re starting with a master’s degree program dedicated entirely to restarting. They are going back to the (virtual) classroom
to face the post-pandemic changes, to know the new consumers, the sales strategies, the accessory services of the “new normal”.
Two appointments are scheduled for March (Wednesday 10th and 24th at 4:00 pm), organized by Food Academy, the project steering committee set up by Fipe and
Fida Confcommercio, two of the main member groups of the provincial Confcommercio. The appointments are open to all interested parties, not only to members and will take place after
Dania Sartorato, president of Fipe, explains that: Our category has been and still is very penalized, we decided to get back into the game and start from the new dimensions that the
pandemic has left us, from delivery to all the declinations of “fast” today required by new consumers, orders are changing, the way of making menus, types of consumption, the mode of delivery, a
new concept of luxury is emerging. Before it was quantitative, today luxury is everything that is qualitative, ecological, fast, secure, close to home. We are inside a transition that is already
the new normal. We will explore these concepts that have already begun in the first lockdown and are now being consolidated.
Riccardo Zanchetta, president of Fida, the category that brings together the entire food trade, says: We have been the most exposed, open by decree and subject to a surplus of work. But
we have seen in front of our counters, live, people’s fear, bewilderment, the change in customers, new ways of spending and requests. We adapted within hours and responded. The problem is neither
ordering on whatsapp, nor online. The problem is that today, in the post-pandemic era, the approach to food and food consumption is changing profoundly. Quality alone is not enough, we need
after-sales service, innovative gastronomic solutions that enter the daily habits of families, who in these long months of pandemic have had time to choose and experiment. On the one hand there is
the rediscovery of the “do-it-yourself”, on the other the need for ready-made kits for sofa and desk, integrable in smartworking. On all this we want to get to the heart of the matter, offer
insights to companies and not only to members.
The “master” is entrusted to two gurus of the sector, Roberta Parollo, marketing consultant and expert in catering and food, teacher at the Master of Sole 24 Ore and Fipe Business School,
author of the Manual of catering in the series “Le Bussole”. Alberto Fedel, consultant and trainer expert in service, communication, sales and post-sales.
Both of them will get to the heart of this much-announced change that is still too little known or left to the experience of individuals, and will offer concrete examples (what will gourmet food be
like?), ideas and ideas for revolutionizing the store or restaurant, to fully understand the latent signals that consumers are sending out.
Much – explained Roberta Parollo – will remain in the post-pandemic, experience and service are abused keywords but still suitable to describe what consumers are looking for and
what are the variations on which we need to focus.
Maddalena Stecca, Macelleria Stecca in the city center of Treviso: I’m enrolling because I feel the need to understand the changing reality and learn new things, among customers I still
see a lot of fear, we ourselves were hit by the virus, we kept closed, now I see that we are struggling to rebuild trust.
Marco Guerra, Osteria con cucina in Casale sul Sile: We’re putting ourselves on the line too, we’re trying to study to understand change. We’re trying with all our heart and
commitment. Takeaway is fine for those who already did takeaway, but transforming the inherent conviviality of catering with takeaway is hard.

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