Gender equality: from 6 December, up to EUR 12,500 in grants for SME certification.

Unioncamere del Veneto presents the measure in a webinar on Tuesday 28 November at 3pm. Technical assistance and accompaniment and certification services will be financed.

Economy - published on 11 December 2023

Fonte: ufficio stampa Unioncamere del Veneto

Venice-Marghera, 24 November 2023From 6 December at 10 a.m. SMEs in Veneto will be able to apply for contributions to certify gender equality. The availability of the first tranche for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises is EUR 4 million.

According to Accredia data, in May 2023 in Veneto there were 294 company or production sites certified in compliance with UNI/PdR 125:2022 out of 1805 in Italy.

The objective of the measure, which has a total budget of EUR 10 million, 8 of which are earmarked for support to SMEs, is to accompany and incentivise companies to adopt appropriate policies to reduce the gender gap and to contribute by 2026 to moving up 5 points in the ranking of the Gender Equality Index drawn up by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), which currently sees Italy in 13th place among EU countries.

The notice was published on 6 November and sets out the criteria and modalities for the granting of contributions to SMEs for technical assistance and accompaniment services, provided in the form of mentoring, and for gender equality certification services. The contributions will be granted through an assessment procedure with over-the-counter procedure, based on the chronological order of application submission, from 10:00 a.m. on 6 December 2023 to 4:00 p.m. on 28 March 2024, unless the available resources are exhausted in advance.


The presentation webinar

Unioncamere del Veneto, with the support of all the Veneto Chambers of Commerce and their respective Women’s Entrepreneurship Committees, is dedicating a webinar to the incentives, to be held on Tuesday 28 November at 3 p.m. After the greetings of Unioncamere Veneto’s Director of Operations Valentina Montesarchio, the head of the Technical Assistance Area for Public Administration Si.Camera Marilina Labia will present the Chamber system’s commitment to gender equality, while Dintec manager Maria Valeria Pennisi will explain the structure of national incentives. There will also be some testimonials from companies that have already experienced the certification process. The meeting will be moderated by Barbara Barbon, President of the CCIAA Treviso-Belluno Female Entrepreneurship Committee.

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Eligible beneficiaries are SMEs with a registered office and operational headquarters in Italy, registered in the business register and active. Two lines of assistance are envisaged

  • For technical assistance and accompaniment, a contribution of up to EUR 2,500 is foreseen for each enterprise in the form of services (support in the use of information tools, coaching actions provided by experts specifically selected for the implementation of the Management System for Gender Equality, for the monitoring of performance indicators and the definition of strategic objectives and for the pre-verification of the compliance of the Management System). These services are aimed at transferring specialised and strategic skills to beneficiary enterprises for gender equality certification.
  • For the release of the certification grants of up to EUR 12,500 per enterprise, depending on size, are envisaged in the form of gender equality certification services provided by Certification Bodies registered in the appropriate List.

Grants will be awarded through an assessment over-the-counter procedure, based on the chronological order in which applications are submitted, from 10 a.m. on 6 December 2023 to 4 p.m. on 28 March 2024, unless the available resources are exhausted in advance.

To access the contributions it is necessary to carry out a pre-screening self-assessment and obtain an outcome that demonstrates an adequate degree of maturity of the enterprise on gender equality issues; it is also required the submission of a quotation formulated by a Certification Body present in the List of the adhering Certification Bodies.

The subsidies for SMEs provided through the notice are in addition to the incentives provided by Italian law for companies that have obtained gender equality certification, which are bonus measures provided for by the Procurement Code and contribution exemptions.

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