International Day of Democracy: redoubling efforts to defend democracy inside our Union and across the world

Daily News 14 / 09 / 2020

Economy - published on 15 September 2020

Source: European Commission Spokesperson’s Service

Ahead of the International Day of Democracy, High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell and Vice-President Dubravka Šuica issued the following joint
: “Across the world, people continue to demonstrate, often at great personal risk, their desire for democracy. From Hong Kong to Lebanon, Belarus to Sudan, behind the headlines and
numbers are brave and courageous people from all backgrounds. We pay tribute to them and share their commitment to democracy.” The joint statement underlines that the European Union is
redoubling its efforts and leading role in promoting and protecting democracy – supporting its partners worldwide, as well as taking steps to safeguard and strengthen democracy inside our Union.
“We understand that our European citizens’ belief in democracy cannot and should not ever be taken for granted. Our citizens have been asking for greater participation in policy-making, and
have been asking for transparency. We must listen and we must build trust”, said High Representative/Vice-President Borrell and Vice-President Šuica. “The
European Union is founded on a strong engagement to promote and protect democracy, alongside human rights and the rule of law. Without democracy, peace and stability, long-term development and
prosperity cannot exist. We must continue to be its trailblazers.” The full statement is available online.

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