Last ITS Academy course selection on 26 October

A viable and practical alternative to university, preparing students for the world of work

Events - published on 06 October 2021
Source: Certottica press office
Longarone, 6 October 2021 – A two-year course in which students are supported on a daily basis, where teachers, who come from the world of work, pass on to them the passion that
accompanies them in the company, and where the companies in the sector that welcome them on internships place them on staff, allowing them to complete the course in the field. We are talking
about one of the spearheads of the Certottica Training Area, the ITS Academy course for Eyewear Product managers, which on 26 October will select the last candidates for the 8th edition
The ITS, Istituti Tecnici Superiori (Higher Technical Institutes) formula, desired at ministerial level and strongly supported in the Veneto region by the Councillor for Education and
Training, Elena Donazzan, is a valid and concrete alternative to university courses, which in just two years – thanks also to the intensity of the lessons – prepares
students for the world of work
The two-year course consists of 2,000 hours divided into ‘theory‘ and ‘practice‘. The former amount to 1200 hours and, in addition to the extremely operational lessons, include
creative and technical workshops, visits to companies of great interest and trips to trade fairs of the calibre of MIDO, the Milan Eyewear Show – the most important in the world – or DaTe, which in
Florence condenses niche productions at the cutting edge of the markets. The 800 apprenticeships, on the other hand, alternate with the classroom, with 300 hours in the first year and 500 in the
second, projecting the students directly into the world of work: the companies place the students in the profession they will pursue after graduation, immersing them in the rhythms of life in the
world of eyewear.
Those who graduate from the ITS Academy course for Eyewear Product Manager are able to design eyewear, starting from the analysis of fashion trends, arriving at the choice of materials in
relation to trends
and the functional and structural characteristics of the product, and to collaborate with the various company sectors to follow the entire life cycle of the accessory. In the
world of work, therefore, he/she can enter with skills and knowledge in the areas of management of the eyewear or of an eyewear line, coordinating all its phases.
We would like to remind you that once students have successfully passed the final exams, they will be awarded the Diploma of Superior Technician – 5th level EQF (European Qualification
Framework) – which has legal value and allows the recognition of Training Credits (CFU) that can be spent in any University.
In the case of the course managed by the Certottica Training Area, the reference Foundation is the Fashion Academy ITS Cosmo, based in Padua, which is responsible for the entire world of fashion
and its accessories. We would like to remind you that ITS benefits from the contribution of the MIUR and the Veneto Region in the wake of the European Social Fund.
To access the next selection you can proceed to enrolment directly from the Foundation’s home page

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