Events - published on 21 December 2023
Source: press office Presidency of the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso - Belluno|Dolomiti
The traditional Institutional Wishes Party was held in Belluno at the Chamber of Commerce Headquarters in the presence of President Pozza, the Vicepresident Nadia Zampol, and Councilwoman Del Pizzol with Donato Romagnolo and Ornella Selmin, Professors School of Nutritional Sciences and Wellness – Program Director, Mediterranean Diet and Health Study Abroad Program – Professors Arizona Cancer Center – University of Tucson (USA).
Donato Romagnolo and Ornella Selmin also took part to the event dedicated to Oleotourism “OLEOTOURISM: INGREDIENTS FOR THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TERRITORY AND UNESCO SITES” that was held at the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso on 6 December 2023.