Annual Intra-EU Labour Mobility Report shows that mobility within the EU increased in 2019, though at a slower pace

Daily News 08 / 01 / 2021

Economia - pubblicata il 11 Gennaio 2021

Source: European Commission Spokesperson’s Service

The Commission published today the Annual
Report on Intra-EU Labour Mobility – 2020
. It identifies trends in free movement of workers and their family members, based on the latest available data (2019/2018). The report shows that
mobility in the EU continued to grow in 2019, but at a slower pace compared to previous years. In 2019, 17.9 million Europeans lived in another EU country compared to 17.6 million in the previous
year. The countries of destination for about half of working-age EU-movers (46%) were Germany and the UK, with a further 28% residing in France, Italy and Spain. Romania, Poland, Italy, Portugal
and Bulgaria remained the top five countries of origin. The main sectors of activity of EU-movers in 2019 were manufacturing and wholesale and retail trade. The share of highly-skilled persons who
move to another EU country increased over time: in 2019, one in three (34%) EU-28 movers was highly-skilled, compared to one in four in 2008. Looking at the age groups of EU-movers, the report
shows that they are most likely to move at the beginning of their careers. Among those who strongly intend to move, 75% are below 35 years old. Return mobility is also very significant: for every
three persons who leave, two return to their country of origin. Since this report refers to data from the reference period 2018-2019, mobility to and from the UK is included. Please consult the
Annual Report
on Intra-EU Labour Mobility – 2020
for more details. The main findings of the report as well as an overview infographic can be found in the accompanying Labour
mobility at a glance

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